November Donations

If you’re subscribed to the Kind Living newsletter, then you were the first to know about the donations for this month! (And if you’re not on my list, let’s get you on it—I’d love to have you!)

This month, I’ll be donating 10% of proceeds to the Native American Rights Fund, which provides legal assistance for Indigenous people. While Thanksgiving is often viewed as a holiday to celebrate blessings, peace, and gratitude, this holiday's foundation represents something much darker and more violent. And as a white person, I've been exploring how I might recognize the holiday in new ways—ways that acknowledge the atrocities that were done, and continue to be done, to Indigenous people, and ways in which I can better honor those who cultivated the earth before it was invaded by white people. The donation to NARF is only one small step, and I am always learning (and unlearning) as I advocate for a more just world. I am committed to the life-long work of anti-oppression and of recognizing the privilege I have because of the violence of white colonialism.

This month I will also be donating another 10% of proceeds to Love Always Sanctuary, an animal rescue based in Los Angeles. November’s holiday of Thanksgiving not only represents the atrocities that were, and continue to be, done to Indigenous people—it also celebrates the violence done to animals, and turkeys in particular. It's estimated that 46 million of these intelligent, social, affectionate, and vocal beings are killed for Thanksgiving in the U.S. each year. Turkeys are typically around 16-24 weeks old when they are slaughtered, and the conditions of the factory farms where they live before that are horrific. Love Always Sanctuary has rescued several turkeys over the years. Sadly, they lost one of their turkeys, Marlene, a few months ago. They currently care for 3 turkeys (Einstein, Tesla, and Mena) in addition to many other animals, including senior animals and those requiring extra care. It is a beautiful space full of warmth and love of all beings.

If you’re interested in donating to NARF, click here: Donate to NARF

If you’re interested in donating to Love Always, click here: Donate to Love Always