Why I Offer Sliding Scale

Let’s talk about financial accessibility in wellness.

Now, sliding scale options aren’t the only way to address lack of access, and accessibility issues in wellness go well beyond the financial. And I am by NO means an expert on this.

But the more I see in this space about “high ticket clients,” the less at home I feel. And the more that coaches focus on things like 10k months, the fewer people we’re going to be able to help.

We all have different means, but that shouldn’t mean that only some people can get well.

I’ve had a sliding scale payment option in my practice for awhile. I also offered it when I was a therapist. And I’ve personally been able to access services because my practitioners had this kind of option. 

And I still have privilege. The option to pay less still means I’ve doled out a decent amount—an amount that not everyone can pay. And that’s true in my current work—I don’t for one second want to portray myself as some big problem-solver for equal access to wellness services (though, I want to keep aspiring to that). I still charge money—money that can be a barrier for some who may otherwise want to work with me.

But the more steps we take to try to make this space feel more accessible—and wellness more attainable—the truer to our sense of purpose we’ll be as wellness practitioners. 

Offering sliding scale doesn’t mean every person will have access. 

Offering sliding scale doesn’t mean that I don’t still want a livable income. 

And offering lower payment options to people who need it doesn’t automatically mean that those people won’t be as motivated or committed just because they’re investing less money.

If as practitioners, our work includes fighting unjust food or healthcare systems, then we need to somehow not just be available for people who can pay for high ticket services.

I certainly don’t have all the answers, and I’m in constant work to create balance and to make my work sustainable both financially and emotionally. But if you’re interested in how I structure my sliding scale options, either as a practitioner or potential client, please do not hesitate to reach out.

If this space is only for some of us, then it’s really helping none of us.

If you’re looking for a therapist who offers sliding scale, I use this same approach in my therapy services! Head to www.alyssamcleantherapy.com to learn more.