Info overload?

These days, overwhelm has become almost commonplace.

Information overload is constant. 

And it can be so, so hard to know how to weed through it all and land somewhere that feels restorative, nourishing, grounding, sustainable.

A few reminders:

It's ok to stop scrolling.

It's ok to delete apps.

It's ok to unsubscribe. (Yes, even to this newsletter.)

It's ok to put a pause on taking in all the information you can.

It's ok to say no. To take a walk. To take a break. To create boundaries.

Accessible information can be life-saving and life-giving. But when it stops feeling supportive to the work you want to be doing, it can become life-taking.

There will always be more to learn.

There will always be conflicting opinions, competing voices, confusing information...all at our fingertips.

There will always be more apps, more videos, more to-do (or not-to-do) lists. 

Within it all...where are you?

Where is your voice?

Where is your intuition?

Where are your places of presence, of groundedness, of calm?

This isn't about tuning out important info or lessons. It isn't about stifling growth.

It's about pausing long enough to assess if what and how we're consuming is supporting that growth work, or if it's slowly draining us of our sacred energy. 

Honestly, it's something I'm struggling with right now. Energy-drainers are alive and well, and they're well-masked to look like positive things.

It can be confusing.

So, if any of this sparks something in you, please know you're not alone. 

And remember that you deserve to make space for yourself that looks and feels just how you need it to.

Away from anything that feels like noise or static or overload.

Basking in moments of quiet centering, where you can get clear on your own thoughts, your own routines, your own dreams, your own magic.

Staying connected is so important. But how easy is it to forget that this includes connection with ourselves?