How a Tom Petty song helped to redefine my work

About a year and a half ago, I started feeling a bit lost in my work.

I had pivoted what felt like a million times (which, by the way, should be a much more embraced practice in the business space than it often is), and I could feel myself landing on the next phase of my journey with Kind just didn't quite feel accessible yet.

And then, one day, I was listening to one of my favorite stations on Pandora (shout out to Rising Appalachia!), and a Wailin' Jennys cover of Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" came on.

I'm sure I'd heard this song before, but it was like I was hearing it for the first time.

"You belong somewhere you feel free..."

That line seared through my soul and I felt an expansiveness in my body.

That's it, I realized.

(And it even resonated so much that I used it as the first line of my once-again-revamped website!)

If you've been around awhile, you know that the primary focus of support at Kind Living has shifted over time. But the central theme has always remained the same: You belong somewhere you feel free.

This will probably mean something different for you than it does for me, or for others in this community. 

And that's ok.

In fact, that's kind of the point.

What it looks like—what it feels like—to be well, to be uncaged, to feel expansive and free to be your you-est you...that's so personal to you.

And whatever it means to you, you deserve to embody that experience of living.

A part of what I do as a coach is offer guidance along your path to discover what you already know, but it's just gotten hidden over the years.

What does it feel like to be free in your body? In your life? On your path?

And how does connecting more deeply with your body help that all feel a bit more accessible?

A part of you may already know...and also, it's ok (and so normal!) if that vision is a bit muddled right now.

You belong somewhere you feel free. You really, truly do.

How might you embody that truth just a little bit more today?