How do I move this energy through?

Hi there, sacred one.

How are you?

No really. How are you?

I don't know if this resonates, but personally, I've felt pretty weighed down by things lately.

It's the combination of so many things...and they're all under the same umbrella of oppressive systems that perpetuate harm.

War. Imperialism. Militarism. Colonization. Racism. State-sanctioned violence. Economic exploitation. Hate toward LGBTQ+ folx. Ableism. Patriarchy. Houselessness. White supremacy. Speciesism. Environmental exploitation.

All of the harms that occur...they stem from these same systems.

And until they're destroyed (and a more loving, imaginative, abolitionist world continues to take shape) these harms, both globally and locally, will continue.

While all of this has been true well before my current lifetime, I find myself in a phase of being where it all feels harder to hold. And I found myself this week saying to my partner: "I can't figure out how to move this energy through my body!"

Can you relate?

If this is how you've been feeling this week (month, year, etc.), you are not alone. There is a lot to carry.

There is also a lot of joy and creativity and imagination! And also...

...sometimes the heaviness can just feel like too much.

So, while I definitely don't have all the answers (even for my own self sometimes...hey, that's why coaches have support systems, too!), here are some things that I like to try when I'm having a tough time knowing how to move the energy through.

1. Move your body. This can look however it needs to in the moment: walking, running, stretching, neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, leg lifts, ankle rolls, dancing, can be gentle or more intense depending on what your body's energy needs. Tune in, get creative, try some different things out.

2. Get outside. I know this can be tough during the colder months, but I promise you that outside time is beneficial all year round. Find a grassy area to lay in, a tree to touch, a trail to hike, some water to be near, some sun on your face, some wind on your skin...whatever is accessible to you.

3. Breathe. Get intentional about breathing into your body. This is a skill that takes a lifetime to build (and I can support you in that work if that's something your body and spirit are needing!).

4. Express. This can take a variety of forms. Laugh. Cry. Yell. Write. Sing. Talk. Engage your body and allow your feelings to take up space.

5. Warm drinks. Tea, coffee, and cacao are my personal favorites. Find what most resonates with your body, get comfy, feel the warmth of the cup in your hands, and take these moments to focus on the ritual of warmth and calm. Pay attention to how your body feels to hold this space with you.

6. Music. It can sometimes take some time to figure out what song/artist is really going to help that energy move through your body in the ways that you need...but it's always worth the effort.

7. Check on the basics. Have you drank enough water? Have you had some fruits and veggies yet today? When was the last time you ate? Especially if your body's energy is needing some extra grounding, I find that root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, etc.) can be helpful.

8. Connection. Check in with your closest supports. Text. Call. Hug. Cuddle. Connect with your own body as well—I find that placing my hand on my chest or my abdomen while I breathe can allow me to feel more connected and grounded.

9. Stop scrolling. This isn't necessarily something that can more actively help move the energy through, but it is something that can support the body's ability to figure it out. Screen time can be really hard on the nervous system, and if you're already in overwhelm, it's probably going to be helpful to get away from it for awhile.

10. Engage your creativity. Paint, color, draw, collage, vision don't need to consider yourself an "artist" (spoiler alert: everyone is art and everyone's art is valuable) to use your creative expression. Engage your body's energy and use whatever you have at your disposal to create.

I'm sending you so much love, now and always. If there is anything I can do to support this very important work you're doing, I'm just a free Zoom call away!