Happy Ostara!

Happy Ostara, dear one!

Today is the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, and it can be a really magical time to connect with the nature within and outside of ourselves. (Plus it's the start of the astrological new year!)

Ostara marks a day of equal light and dark, reminding us that balance is possible to experience, even when we may not always be able to feel it. And this point of balance is moving us slowly into the time of year where light takes up more and more space—the lift of the light is coming!

The welcoming of spring also invites us to embrace the rebirth of warmth—even when summer has not yet arrived, Ostara is a moment to celebrate the new life that this phase in the season brings.

This day encourages us to bask in the new energy that this season holds, which often includes some clearing away of what we no longer need ("spring cleaning" can mean in our physical space as well as within our own selves!).

And this moment marks a time to celebrate the seeds we plant, the creations that are birthed, and the start of a new year full of beginnings and growth and life.

Below are a few journal prompts that might feel nourishing to consider as we welcome in this new year together. Take some time to write about them, talk about them with a loved one, or just mull them over in your heart!

1. What are the seeds I've planted that I'm ready to watch grow and flourish?

2. What does the balance of light and dark on this day bring up for me? What does this balance look like in my own life?

3. What am I ready to clean up and clear away so that I can make room for new beginnings in the new year?

4. Where in my body am I most experiencing a rebirth? How can I support this growth process this season?

5. What nourishing practices do I most want to bring with me into this new year?

6. Where in the world around me have I been able to witness the start of spring? What do these examples mirror in my inner world?