A love note from me to you

Today, I wanted to send a simple message of love to you.

Whether you find today delightful, pointless, heartbreaking, or anywhere in between...I want to take a moment to express my immense appreciation for you.

This journey you're on isn't always an easy one. It takes courage, vulnerability, and compassion to lean into a more embodied way of being and of nourishing yourself.

And what often happens as we move through this journey of living in these bodies in this moment in time is that we don't always feel seen.

It's important to feel witnessed. To know that someone sees all that you're doing behind the scenes, in the shadows and secret places of your life where there is often so little credit or acknowledgement for the sacred space you're making.

And I want you to know that I see you. I value you. The Collective needs you, and we are better for you.

Self-care is crucial. Self-love is radical. You deserve to feel nourished and to thrive.

Thank you for being on this journey. And know that I am always here to support you, if ever you crave a partner along the way.

Today (and every day!) can be a fun time to focus on foods that nourish the heart!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, red foods are thought to nourish the heart: beets, goji berries, cherries, tomatoes, red bell peppers, strawberries, and more.

Take today as an opportunity to give your heart some love and enjoy some of your favorite red goodies!