Have you looked at the moon lately?

We can learn a lot from the Moon

I feel like most of us probably have a base knowledge of moon cycles. I can still remember learning about them periodically throughout my schooling. And how many of us have made comments like "Must be a full moon!" when the energy feels different or more activated?

And yet, for most of us, our lives are primarily structured by the Sun's cycles, not the Moon's.

Every day, we're expected to have the exact same amount and type of energy, movement needs, food cravings, productivity levels, and more.

The sun rises, the sun goes to sleep, and the sun rises again the next day. Just as we're expected to do in the same way, every day.

But the Moon...ah, the Moon. She does a different dance.

The Moon is really a more accurate reflection of how our own bodies ebb and flow over time...and, in a more nourishing world, that would be closer to how our lives could be structured throughout the month and year.

You see, we are not meant to have the same needs, the same energy, the same goals equally every single day of our lives here.

Just as the tides shift with the Moon's phases, so do our own sacred selves. (The majority of your body is, after all, made up of water!)

We don't expect the nature around us to be exactly the same each and every day...so why would we expect that of the nature within us?

The more we honor (and get in tune with) those natural ebbs and flows within ourselves, and within our communities, the more nourished, well, and grounded we can be.

So tell me...what is one small change you can make for yourself in the coming days, as a way to begin acknowledging and making more space for your own unique, magical, cyclical energy?

And how might embracing the Moon's lessons shift your experience in your body, your daily life, your work, your play, and your purpose?