Happy Beltane!

Happy Beltane, dear one!

I just wanted to pop in quickly to send some Beltane love for you today.

(I do want to note that this is only happening for those in the northern hemisphere—any southern hemisphere readers, blessed Samhain!)

Today is a great time to celebrate the coming of summer (it honors the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice), as well as the ways in which your internal world is blossoming!

Fertility and vibrance can show up in so many ways in our lives—the ways in which we create and nurture, how we show up for ourselves and our loved ones, the things we have the courage to birth into the world, the sparks of joy and hope that we continue to embrace even amidst the darkness.

And as we recognize that summer—a time of warmth, exuberance, and basking in the fullness of growth and life—is upon us in our outer world, we can also honor the summer that is building within.

Even when it may not feel like it. Even when we may be struggling to access the fertile grounds within us. Still, the blossoming occurs.

Nature is not just outside of us....we are nature.

We reflect the cycles of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that we see all around us every year.

So today, celebrate the summer that is building in you—and have some fun!