I've missed you!

Well hi there! 

I know, it's been a minute since I've written. I've still been thinking about you a lot and have been hoping that this month has been lovely and rejuvenating for you!

Truthfully, I didn't set out for this month to include so few posts. At the very least, I'd planned to check in with you last weekend to offer some support around the (incredibly intense) lunar eclipse in Scorpio.

And also, over these last few weeks, I felt myself going more and more inward. With the Mercury retrograde/eclipse combo, plus being in the luteal phase of my cycle, it felt necessary to really sloooow down, double and triple check my work, and also do an intensive check-in with myself.

And in the midst of that, this question came: if inspiration wasn't coming, why force it?

You deserve loving and intentional communication from me (and everyone in your life, tbh), and if I sat down to write an email just to write it, how would that serve either of us? 

And what would I be modeling with that?

Communication is a huge part of my business, but so is authenticity, intentionality, and a really, truly huge love for you.

And additionally, what I hope for you is that you, too, allow yourself the space to take time when you need.

To rest.

To slow down.

To do something that really makes you feel alive.

To say to yourself, "Maybe it's ok that I take some time away from this thing, that I don't forcibly direct my sacred energy into it right now, that I honor my flow and my timing and my cyclical needs."

Now, I'm a realist here—making space for yourself in these ways isn't always fully accessible, largely because of how our systems are designed. (This is also how and why abolition encompasses so much more than the absence of police and prisons...it's so much about creating the world we actually can thrive in!) 

Sometimes being able to say no, to rest, to honor our energy levels, or to do what most excites us asks us for some extra creativity. 

We can't always just take a day off. Maybe we can, though, say no to one small thing to better honor our boundaries. Or perhaps we can communicate our current energy more directly, or move our bodies more softly or vigorously, or watch a comedy and enjoy some laughter, or do one small thing that we can feel really inspired and excited by...or just really be honest with ourselves about what is really and truly a "have to."

The options are endless. But we need to start by knowing that we are worthy of exploring those options. 

To know that you are valuable and deserving of a life full of the time and space you need to honor your sacred self...that is something the Collective needs from you, because it allows you to be your most true and life-affirming self. 

So today, or in the next coming days or weeks, check in with yourself and ask: Where is my energy today, and what is one small way I can honor my needs more fully?


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