How will you nourish yourself today?

Oh hi there!

It's been a couple of weeks since you've heard from me here, and I just wanted to pop in and say hello!

Usually as the moon wanes from her fullest self, I tend to also go inward a bit more. I produce a bit less, I'm less active. It's just one way I can honor the cyclical energy in me and our outer world.

And tomorrow is not only a new moon, but it's also a partial solar eclipse! There's a lot of energy getting activated, and a lot of learning and processing, so I'm going a bit more into hibernation mode than a typical new moon.

So, today will be a briefer love note to you 

Since the eclipse is tomorrow (and the energy might feel a bit wild or draining), as much as you can, try to use these next few days to focus on your self-care. 

It doesn't need to be anything complex. 

Sleep when you need (naps are still ok to take, even in adulthood!).

Eat the foods that feel most sustaining and life-giving to you.


Focus on gentle movement, nothing too strenuous.

Enjoy your favorite movie or binge that show you've been wanting to watch.

Cozy up to a warm beverage in comfy sweats.

Spend time with the people who are soul-nurturing, rather than those who are draining.

Journal. Light a candle. Honor how far you've come.

Whatever you need this weekend, embrace it in all the ways that are accessible to you.

And if you've got a busy next few days that can't be shifted, find those small moments where you can take a breath, feel the life source flow through your body, and know that you are held by the earth beneath you.