It's all in the gut

Let's talk gut health!

If you've been around for a bit, you've definitely heard me talk about the gut. And even if you're tired of hearing about gut health from practitioners and IG influencers alike, stick around if you can.

Because the gut is one of the most fascinating aspects of our overall wellbeing, in my opinion! Here are a just a few reasons why:

  • The gut is our #1 immune defense system, with about 80% of our immune system housed within our digestive system

  • About 85-95% of our serotonin is produced by the gut (and requires a healthy digestive system to produce it effectively!)

  • A healthy gut reduces our chances of developing a ton of different ailments, including certain types of cancers, cardiovascular problems, and endocrine issues

But this is only a part of the story of what I find so incredible about our guts!

You've probably used phrases like:

  • "I had a gut instinct"

  • "It gave me butterflies"

  • "My stomach flip-flopped"

  • "It makes me feel sick to my stomach"

  • "I just had a feeling..."

All of these sensations, whether actually felt or a figure of speech, reside within our core—in our guts!

That's why when I first was learning about all the amazing things that happen within the digestive system, I realized that it all made total sense.

That's why you may have heard the gut be referenced as the "second brain." It houses so much and impacts so much of our health and wellbeing...and the ways in which our head brain and stomach brain communicate with each other is really quite profound.

So what do we do to make sure we're supporting a healthy gut? I'm glad you asked!

As intricate and significant as the digestive system is, it would make sense that there's a lot that goes into supporting a healthy gut. So, for now, let's just note some aspects of our everyday living that can have an impact:

  • Nutrition

  • Hydration

  • Movement

  • Sleep

  • Toxin load

  • Stress level

  • Outside time

  • Social support

All of these impact our digestive health! So, it may come as no surprise that all of this is explored within my work with clients. And while our wellbeing is complex, multifaceted, and individualized, taking a deeper look into some of these things can have a huge impact on health, wellbeing, and the connection we forge with ourselves and our bodies.