Chickpea Salad Sandwiches

Growing up, I loved chicken salad sandwiches…and egg salad sandwiches…and even tuna salad if you caught me on the right day.

Fast forward to now, and I still love these types of sandwiches—and luckily, they can be made delightfully tasty without any of the animals being involved!

One of my go-to sandwiches now is a chickpea salad sandwich. It’s super easy to make, and, as many of you may already know, I love when you can make something by just tossing ingredients in and tasting as you go, rather than measuring everything..and this is definitely that kind of recipe. :)

Check out the recipe guidance below!

Chickpea Salad Sandwiches

  1. Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and dump them into a large glass bowl.

  2. Mash the chickpeas with a fork, leaving some larger pieces in (it doesn’t need to be pulverized).

  3. Now it’s time to add some stuff! First add some vegan mayo—I like to start with just a spoonful or two, mix it up, and then add more if it doesn’t quite look creamy enough.

  4. Add a few spoonfuls of pickle juice (again, start small, mix in, and then add more if it needs it—the pickle juice can end up making it quite runny if you add too much).

  5. Chop up a couple of pickles, some yellow onion, and some celery if you have it on hand (I often don’t, it’s good with our without) and add all of them into the mix.

  6. Add some yellow mustard, garlic powder, onion powder, dill, and a little bit of salt. Taste, and add more of whatever is still needed!

  7. Mix it all up, and slop it on some bread! I like to add lettuce and tomato, as well.

  8. Enjoy! It will probably be a tad messy…but what good food isn’t?!

I typically will also make some homemade fries to go along with my sandwich, but feel free to add whatever side sounds best to you!

I hope you can enjoy this sandwich soon—now that it’s getting warmer, it’s an especially great time to make it, since it’s cool, refreshing, and doesn’t require the stove. :)