Blessed Solstice!

Blessed Winter Solstice, my dear one.

How is this day sitting with you? Where are you feeling it in your body?

For me, I've found that this day can truly be one of the most magically potent days of the year.

Growing up, the only thing I knew of this day was that it was "the shortest day of the year." It was the day of the least sunlight, and that always felt a touch sad and scary.

Now, I'm more able to see this day for all of its beautiful nuance and complexities and magic. Yes, it is the day of the least sunlight...and it's also the moment when the light will begin to grow with each day beyond it.

This poignant moment in time is a chance for us to honor the both/and. To allow ourselves to sit in the presence of both darkness and light, of both death and rebirth.

It reminds us of our ability to continually regenerate, and the important role that the quiet darkness plays in allowing us to bask in this constant birth-death-rebirth cycle.

The darkness and cold share the lesson with us each year that rest and deep nourishment are necessary, magical, sacred.

The now growing light remind us each cycle that nothing remains forever, and out of darkness the light will inevitably, continually come.

And so, on this sacred day, I wanted to provide some journal prompts for you (or, simply thoughts to ponder, if that's more your thing). Take some time today, if you can, to rest in the quiet, light a candle, and contemplate this moment in time.

1. Where in your life are you currently experiencing a moment of rebirth? What parts of your life are on the threshold of regeneration?

2. What have the shadow and darkness taught you over this last year? What have you been able to learn or recognize in yourself that took courage to really acknowledge?

3. Where have you been more able to honor the both/and in your life? How has the feeling of nuance felt in your body over these last 6 months? How does the both/and feel in your body today?

4. What are you feeling ready to release?

5. What are you feeling ready to step into and to welcome in?

I truly hope that today is one of beauty, rest, and magic, in all the ways your spirit especially needs right now.