Are you on autopilot?

I don't know why, but it still surprises me.

I'll periodically start to feel less-than-good, and initially I'll approach it with utter shock:But I'm doing everything right! How could I be feeling this way??

And that's usually a pretty good indicator that I've been running on autopilot a little too long.

Now, don't get me wrong—setting and forgetting has its place. Establishing a nurturing routine as a solid foundation to our own wellness can be so supportive and grounding...especially because life can often can distract us from ourselves and our own needs, and having some dependable techniques that don't always require a ton of thought can be super helpful!

And also, as I say a lot, your wellness is not just a to-do list, a series of check boxes to tick off.

You are a magical, complex, creative being, and you will probably need different things at different times in order to feel fully sustained and nourished.

Your wellness routine can also be magical, complex, and creative....just like you.

Some signs I notice when I'm running on autopilot include:

  • feeling more irritable, anxious, or depressed

  • feeling stuck or stagnant in my body

  • feeling bored with what I'm eating

  • digestive issues

  • sleep is "ok" but not optimal

  • feeling more fatigue

  • feeling less creative

When I notice these things happening, it's helpful to check in and see what I've been doing lately to nourish myself and my relationship with my body.

And often, it means that it's time to change things up or get more intentional about what I'm doing.

If I've been running most days (which usually is a necessity for me), but my mood is still starting to dip, perhaps my body is needing something like yoga for a bit instead.

If I've been meditating but sort of half-heartedly or not as consistently, I may need to be more intentional about returning to a daily practice.

If I've been spending more time on my phone/the news/social media lately, I might need to ask myself if there are other, more revitalizing places to invest my energy for a bit.

If I haven't really checked in with what I've been eating and how my body is responding, it might be time to tune back in and see what my body is most needing to feel nourished in that particular season of life.

There are a ton of ways to shift out of autopilot and revitalize this incredible relationship with ourselves and our bodies...and I find that so much of it is about intentionality, being willing to pause, get curious, and get creative with how to best reconnect.

You are worth more than "good enough." You deserve to feel fully supported, nourished, and alive.

And if you're craving some extra help getting out of autopilot and back into your body, I am only a free discovery call away.