Why "Anti-Diet" Doesn't Mean "Anti-Health"

I get a lot of questions about my anti-diet approach and how I can still focus on health and nourishment with that approach.

And I get the confusion. We’ve been taught that if we finally allow ourselves to eat intuitively and freely, we’ll “lose control” and eat too much or only “junk.” But the first problem with diet culture is how it’s become so embedded into our thinking that these are the thoughts we have in response to an anti-diet framework.

Anti-diet is not anti-nourishment—in fact, it’s the opposite. Because, really, let’s consider how not nourishing dieting and diet culture is! Stepping away from restriction, shame, guilt, and fear allows us to truly learn what our bodies and hearts need, and to feed them accordingly.

This, of course, is not an easy process, especially if you’ve been deep into the diet narrative (and truly, who of us hasn’t been impacted by these harmful messages?!). But often the first step, I think, is to recognize that the diet world is not synonymous with health, and that moving away from it will likely help you to reconnect with your health in a much more nourishing way.

“Anti-diet” and “health” are not enemies. They’re companions, I believe. And if that’s something you want to explore, I would be honored to help support you through that process.